Case Study

Client: FedHealth “Made For You”

Client: FedHealth “Made For You”

FedHealth “Made For You”

In 2019, medical aid FedHealth, launched their revolutionary new flexiFED medical aid packages. Although the changes were designed to give their customers more choice, flexibility and save them BIG, they just weren’t understanding how it worked and were getting frustrated! So they sent out an email & SMS, direct to each one, personally, with a video made Just For Them!

Evert and Devandhran, and everyone else on the new flexiFED package, received a link connecting them to their very own personalised video – that didn’t even use their data.

Each video was personalised, in fact it had 14 different data points unique and relevant to that customer: it included their name and the names of each of their dependents in their family, how much they would have paid, how much they were paying now, how their MediVault worked, and how much they were now saving every month!

Living up to their brand promise, enabled by some smart technology.

Their results showed that they got their members attention, and the message across. They achieved an open rate of up to 58% and a 36% video view rate. But most importantly, their members now understood how much they were saving, and how it all worked – with 95% of them now being happy to retain their membership.

Fedhealth… Personalised Video… Made for you, one member at a time

Awards: Bookmark Awards 2020 – Bronze Best USE OF DATA, Craft Bronze in EXCELLENCE IN SOFTWARE, CODING & TECHNICAL INNOVATION (In collaboration with TCHM Marketing & Advertising)

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